Week 3
12 Feb 2018

     So, today is my First class for Intermediate Pastry & Bakery class that conducted by Chef Naim. Actually, our class has been started 2 weeks ago but due to some inconvenience, Chef had to post-poned the class to the next week, sadly Chef is sick so he post-pone again until today.
    So, basically in every first class, there will be an introduction to the Subject that we are taking. So that we have a better understanding about the subject for our Final Semester.  Below are the Lesson Plan for the class.

A1 - CSR Project (blog)     = 10%                       
A2 - C.O.D (blog)              =10 %
A3 - Weekly Performance  = 10 %
A4 - Mid-Term                   = 20%
A5 - Weekly report (blog)  = 10 % 
Coursework Marks             = 60 %

Final Exam(Project)(blog) = 40 %
                                              100 %

Assignment 1 - CSR Project (blog) = 10 %
  • CSR is stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. 
  • So for the first assignment, we need to figure out and Brainstorm about what project that suitable for us to conduct based on our financial from selling our product. 
  • This assignment will be conducted on a certain date that decided soon.
Assignment 2 - Chef Of the Day (blog) = 10 %
  • Every student have their chances to be the C.O.D based on weeks. 
  • Every student needs to prepare a recipe based on their duty on their weeks. 
  • Every student have to prepare a Standard recipe that will be used during production. 
  • There will be 2 teams on the class, The First team will produce the product, and The Second teams will be selling the product. The money from the sales will be keep by the Treasurer for the CSR Project. 
Assignment 3 - Weekly Performance = 10 %

  • The students needs to follow the S.O.P of the attire before entering the kitchen to avoid and accidents during production or around the kitchen. 
  • Also, it shows the personality of the students in the class. 
Assignment 4 - Mid-term = 20 % 
  •  The mid-term is the crucial parts of the whole semester because it will effect the students CGPA on the semester. 
Assignment 5 - Weekly Report (blog) = 10 %
  • The students need to update their blog on every week about what have they learned during the class. 
So, the total Coursework marks on the whole will effect the students CGPA if they don't ecxel on the assignment. 

Final Exam - Project (blog) = 40 % 
  • The final exam are the most essential parts of the whole semester to define what have you learned during the whole semester, and this will show about how much attention and efforts you have put to learn new things before proceed to Industrial Training. If the students did not pass, they have to repeat again the subject and unable to proceed to Industrial Training. 


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