Week 5
6 March 2018 (Tuesday)

As a penalty for my incompetence, Chef decide to choose me & Jerylyn once again to be the Chef on Duty. For today class, i have decided to produce 3 product that we will sell to gain profit for our fund. So, by using the ingredients that we have on our storage we decided to make Karipap Pusar, Kuih Buah melaka & kuih kaswi. The menu i will list it below. 

1. Karipap Pusar 

Ingredients A

Soft flour - 225 gm
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Margarine - 1 1/2 tbsp
Water - 118 ml

Ingredients B

Soft flour - 125 gm
Margarine - 25 gm
Vegetable shortening - 50 gm

Baking process:

1. For ingredients A, in a mixing bowl, rub flour, salt and margarine into breadcrumbs. Slowly pour water and work the mixture into a smooth dough. Divide into 10 small balls. Set aside. 

2. For ingredients B, in another mixing bowl, rub flour, margarine and shortening into a dough. Divide into 10 small balls. Set aside. 

3. Take a pastry A ball, with your palm, flatten it into a round shape and insert the pastry B inside it. Wrap pastry B nicely. 

4. Flatten it on the rolling sheet. Press it into oval shape with the rolling pin. Roll the oval until it is shaped like a fat cigar. Repeat step 4. 

5. Slice into 2 and flatten it to become a circle with spiral design on its surface. Place the filling. 

6. Fold it into half-moon shape and close the edge with scallop design. 

7. Deep fried in pan using medium heat until golden brown. Serve hot. 

2. Buah Melaka 


Glutinous rice flour -250 gm
Soft flour - 2 tbsp
Screwpine leave flavoring - 1/2 tsp
Green coloring - 1/2 tsp


Palm sugar - 1 no


Grated coconut - 1 cup
Salt a pinch

Baking Process:

1. Mix water, flavoring and coloring into flour until soft dough is form. 
2. Take a small portion & flat it into a small round shape. 
3. Place a small piece of palm sugar and wrap it into a ball shape of a marble size. 
4. Boil 3/4 full of water in a pot. boil Buah melaka until they float. 
5. Roll onto coconut. 

3. Kuih Kaswi


Flour - 400 gm
Tapioca flour - 80 gm
Kapur - 1/2 tsp 
Sugar - 100 gm
Water - 1500ml
Gula merah syrup - 800 ml

Baking process:

1. Mixed and sift the 2 flour together. Set aside.
2. Place jaggery sugar in a pot with water, Pandan leaves of & cook until sugar is dissolved to make syrup. Let the syrup totally cool down.The syrup will give a aroma with added Pandan leaves.
3. Slowly add mixed flour while stirring. Mix well until smooth or Use flour sifter to removed the “Lumps”.
4. Pour some water in the steamer to boil.
Add pinch of salt to the grated coconut steam for 5-8 second. Dish out and set aside.
5. Add the flour mixture into 9′ round mold or small chinese teacups & steam above rapidly boiling water for 45 minutes.Times for steamed in cups is 20 minutes until cooked.
6. Completely cool the kuih before cutting & serve coat with fresh grated coconut.


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